Thursday 24 January 2008

Little Eccles Mince Pies

This morning I woke up and decided to use up some of the jars of home-made mincemeat left over from Christmas. So, while I was browsing my foodie magazines I came across this lovely recipe for Little Eccles Mince Pies using ready made puff pastry which I had in my fridge. These are absolutely gorgeous and so easy to make, and they are a nice alternative to your traditional mince pie. I think these would be lovely warmed up with hot custard and served as a pudding. If you would like to re-create these delicious pies click on the link below.

Little Eccles Mince Pies


  1. Hi Maria, firstly I must say I adore your little labels on your mincemeat jar, very creative!!

    I remember you mentioning these Little Eccles Mince Pies and wanting to bake them. They truly do look delicious and with your mature homemade mincemeat I can only guess at how fantastic they must taste. Anyway I’ll stop guessing if you pass me one over heehee

    Rosie x

  2. Rosie your so kind and thanks again for your lovely comments on my bakes. Here you go, your own Little Eccles Mince Pie, enjoy ;o)


  3. Not only delicious...but so cute!!

  4. I made quite a few batches of these over the Christmas period and I love them, even more than traditional mince pies!

    Yours look great.

  5. Hi Cakespy and Jules

    Thanks for dropping by and for the lovely comments. Jules i totally agree with you, in some ways these are nicer than the tradition that are more heavy.



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