Thursday 21 February 2008

Excellence Award :o)

I am happy to post my first ever blog award!! The lovely Dell from Cooking and the City has kindly passed on this award to me, and it's made my day. Thank you so much Dell, it really means a lot to me and it is so nice knowing you have friends all over the globe.

I am going to be a rebel here like my friend Rosie from Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake and not award this to just 5 people but to everyone who has a blog and shares the same passion for cooking and baking. There are so many wonderful foodie blogs out there that are deserving of this award of Excellence, so feel free to attach this award to your blog.

Btw both Dell and Rosie have excellent blogs and worthwhile visiting, if you haven't already ;o)


  1. Congratulations Maria on your Award!! :D Isn't it fun being a rebel? ;)

    The two awards are still on my blog for you, waiting from when I was a rebel with a cause... :D

    Thank you for your lovely words too!

    Rosie x

  2. Concrats on the award! Great blog:)

  3. Thanks Rosie and yep it's fun being a rebel, reminds me of my teenage years ;o)

    Hi half baked, thanks.



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