Friday 15 February 2008

Caramel Swirl Hunks

I've made these Caramel Swirl Hunks for my hubby's badminton match this evening. The woman who organises the matches and food called him and asked if he could bring along the cakes again! So I decided to bake up a crowd pleaser but something that was quick and simple. These manly-sized squares are beefed up with chocolate chips and pools of dulce de leche. If anyone would like to re-create these "hunks", I have included a link for the recipe below. The recipe comes courtesy from A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman, a must have book!


  1. I bet your everyone at your husband's badminton class love you for bringing these, the marble effect looks great!

  2. They sure know where to ask when they need an excellent bake for hubby's badminton club :o) Wonderful bake of caramel swirl humks - yum!!

    Rosie x

  3. Hi Mrs B

    I'm sure they must love the cakes, as they keep nominating my hubby to bring the cakes! Thanks for the lovely comment.

    Hi Rosie

    I enjoy being able to provide the cakes, it's something I enjoy and love doing and very rewarding ;o)
    Thanks for dropping by and as always for the lovely comments.



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