Sunday 10 February 2008

Pink Flowers and Chocolate Cheesecake

My hubby loves buying me flowers and my favorite colour is pink. Today he surprised me with a gorgeous pink bouquet after popping out to the shops. Below is a pic of one of the gorgeous blooms from the bouquet. Maybe it's the girlie girl in me but the pink of this flower is the perfect pink ;o)

Who can resist a slice of decadent cheesecake? I certainly can not! I love cheesecake. It is the perfect dessert for entertaining guests or family and so easy to make. In celebration of the lovely spring-like weather we have had this weekend I thought what better choice of dessert than a cheesecake, so Chocolate Cheesecake it had to be. My son loves chocolate cheesecake and his been feeling unwell with a cold/sore throat for a few days, and what mother doesn't hate seeing her kid poorly, so I knew this would put a smile on his face :o). Lately with the cold weather, steamed puddings and crumbles with custard have graced our table after our Sunday meal but this cheesecake was a lovely change and a reminder of the eagerly awaited spring and summer.


  1. mmmm chocolate cheesecake; i haven't had that in years! and how lovely to receive som flowers from your hubby :)

  2. Hi Maria, oh what a sweetie of hubby to buy you those wonderful pink flowers they are really lovely!!

    I do hope your son is feeling much better now and with your beautiful cheesecake who wouldn't! :D

    Rosie x

  3. Hi Pixie, thanks for dropping by and as always for your kind commments.

    Hi Rosie

    Yeah I'm a lucky wifey and he loves surprising me with flowers every once in a while. My son is on the mend and the cheesecake must have done the trick, not much left of it now, hehehe. Thanks for dropping by.


  4. Oooh, yummy! Any chance you could send some over...?!


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