Wednesday 27 February 2008

Nice Matters Award x 2

I had the most wonderful surprise today when Rosie from Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake awarded me the Nice Matters Award. I feel so touched and it really is a great feeling knowing you have friends that appreciate and admire what you bring to the foodie blog world. I would like to also dedicate this to all my fellow bloggers who are ALL deserving of this award!

Please feel free to attach this award to your blog ;o)

Thanks so much Rosie!

Dell from Cooking and the City has also kindly passed me the Nice Matters Award. Thanks so much sweetie, this really means a lot to me!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Maria and a most deserving award too my friend! :D I am so pleased you have given it to everyone, what a sweetie you are :D

    Rosie x


"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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