Wednesday 2 April 2008

Sunshine Bars

First of all I would like to say sorry for not having blogged much in the recent days after Easter but after all that Easter cooking and baking I was in much need of a break. I also celebrated my Wedding Anniversary on Monday and I was wined and dined all weekend, so no baking or cooking to blog. So after a small break I decided to make up a batch of these Sunshine Bars that are packed with so much goodness they will be great for pack lunches or snacking. The recipe can be found here: Sunshine Bars.


  1. Hi Maria, no need to say sorry sweetie we all need time out and what a great way with celebrating your Wedding Anniversary! :) Once again wishing you & hubby a Happy Anniversary!

    Your bars look lovely as always, your boys are so lucky :)

    Rosie x

  2. Thanks for the comment and most of all for the lovely card you sent me, it was a lovely surprise!


  3. My pleasure sweetie I am just pleased I got the card to you in time :D

    Hugs Rosie x


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