Wednesday 13 August 2008

Hubby's Birthday ~ Buttercup Golden Layer Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Yesterday we celebrated my hubby’s 36th birthday and he was spoilt rotten with lots of cards, gifts, cake and love! I decided to bake him a 3 layer cake (a first for me) from my newly purchased Buttercup Bakes at Home book. It is a foolproof cake and wonderfully easy to bake and nothing smells as fragrant as sweet buttery vanilla sponge baking in the oven. The vanilla buttercream frosting is pure heaven and the recipe they use at Magnolia’s famous Manhattan’s bake shop. I finished it off with a sprinkling of chocolate sprinkles to add some extra birthday fun!

Hubby loved his cake as you can see from the pic above ;o)


  1. Happy birthday to your husband, great cake you made for him!

  2. Maria, I can smell that cake over here. And doesn't he look pleased with it? Happy Birthday to him too please.

  3. Great cake. I've never made a three layer cake before either- yours turned out brilliantly. Well done

  4. Happy birthday to your hubby! And what a great cake to celebrate with!

  5. Happy Birthday Hubby!

    What a magnificent looking cake! I bet it tasted great.

  6. I didn't know which blog entry to comment at first, the cheesecake or this - both have me drooling! Happy birthday to your dear husband he is one lucky man. I have never attempted a three layer cake - yours is magnificent Maria!

  7. Happy belated Birthday to your hubby Maria. That cake looks gorgeous, he looks so pleased with it too :)

  8. A belated happy birthday to your husband. He looks very happy with the cake you have made especially for him.
    The cake looks delicious.

  9. Oh what a stunner of a birthday cake Maria - I just adore this!! Once again pass my best wishes on to hubby for his bday :)

    Rosie x

  10. This looks beautiful. Lucky hubby. Happy birthday to him.

  11. Thank you everyone ;o)


  12. Beautiful cake - sure looks like he enjoyed it!!


"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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