Thursday 1 January 2009

Christmas Morning Muffins ~ Sweet and Simple Bake!

I'm late in posting my entry for Decembers bake over at Sweet and Simple Bakes as I am currently suffering with flu, so I am keeping this post short. I want to thank Rosie for choosing these muffins, they were the perfect start to our Christmas Day. I made these delicious Christmas Morning muffins on Christmas Eve and we enjoyed them with a nice cup of hot tea while opening our Christmas presents in the morning.

You can find the recipe here.


  1. Hope you feel better soon Maria - Happy New year!

  2. Sweet and simple, that is what I like!

  3. They look truly your blog....inspirational....also lovely to know there are other homebirds out there.

  4. We've all been ill here - hope you feel better soon

  5. Your muffins look wonderful Maria!! Pleased you all enjoyed them :D

    I do hope you're feeling better soon - flu is a nasty virus!

    Thanks for adding your muffins to the round-up on S&SB.....

    Rosie x

  6. The look delicous, Maria! I wish you a speedy recovery! Feel better soon! I miss your posts!

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon. hard to miss colds and flue at the moment. Your muffins look lovely and festive. :)

  8. sorry to hear you're unwell, hope you get well soon. I make these each Christmas, either on Christmas morning or on Boxing Day for morning tea, they're becoming a bit of a tradition!

  9. I do hope your flu is much better now.
    Muffing looks so yumm.
    Love the first picture.
    Happy Newyear to you and you family.

  10. I hope you're feeling better. Your muffins look sensational!

  11. These sound great with the orange and cranberries. I will be sure to try them sometime. Happy New Year Maria! Oh, I am wanting one of those muffins now! Right now!

  12. Hope you are now feeling better, Maria. I spotted these in NIgella's book and meant to make them over Christmas. Sadly I never got around to it so maybe I'll try them at the weekend as a special treat!

  13. Good to hear you are beeter now.
    Here too lots of friends have got flu, luvkily i have escaped them till now.
    Muffin looks so yumm.


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