Tuesday 27 April 2010

Chocolate, Cherry and Walnut Brownies

Brownies are always a welcome treat in our house and these Chocolate, Cherry and Walnut Brownies are seriously wicked! The recipe hails from Jo Pratt’s In the Mood for Food, and one I’ve had book-marked to bake for ages after reading great reviews. I was sorry for not having baked these sooner but I always say better late than never. These brownies deliver a rich, luscious, gooey, and chocolaty centre, studded through with walnuts and sour cherries. An absolute must bake!

Chocolate, Cherry and Walnut Brownies

Makes 9 to 12 good-sized brownies

200g unsalted butter
200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), chopped
3 large eggs
300g granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
125g plain flour
A pinch of salt
100g dried cherries
100g walnut pieces

Preheat the oven to 180oC/fan 160oC/gas 4.

Grease and line an approximately 20 by 30cm rectangle baking tin, 3 to 4cm deep, with greaseproof or parchment paper. Melt the butter and chocolate either in a bowl over a pan of simmering water or gently in the microwave.

With an electric hand whisk, beat together the eggs, sugar, vanilla extract until they are lovely and thick and creamy. Mix in the melted chocolate and butter. Finally stir in the flour, salt, cherries and walnuts.

Pour into the baking tin and cook for about 25 minutes until the top is cracking and the centre is just set. Leave to cool in the tin for about 20 minutes before cutting into squares.

Serve warm or, if you can resist leaving them, cold.


  1. I want these, in my face, now!!!

    Katie xox

  2. My other half would love these.

    Thanks for your well wishes for Violet - she had another bad night last night, but seems alittle bit better today. Thank goodness. x

  3. OMG, how can you do this to me Maria, I am just in from work and starving - these look wonderful!! Can I ask - I have glace cherries - is this the same as dried cherries? Thanks my lovely XX

  4. Just printed out the recipe to make the minute I get my hands on some dried cherries!!

  5. Katie, trust me I wanted them in my face too but am having to be very restrained if I want to lose weight!

    Jill, I am glad to hear Violet is doing better today, poor baby.

    Lucie, dried cherries are not the same as glace. You will find dried cherries where they stock the dried cranberries etc. I got mine in Sainsburys but I bet you can get them in most supermarkets. Good luck and let me know.

    Brownieville Girl, you gotta make these!!


  6. These look sumptious Maria. I am loving chocolate recipes just now.

  7. They look lovely and gooey Maria - chocolate and cherry is a great combo and I love the chewiness of dried cherries!

  8. oh these look so fudgey and chocolatey yummy

  9. oh wow, cherries and walnuts sound like wonderful additions to brownies!

  10. These look very naughty but nice Maria. I wouldn't be able to stop at eating just one though.

  11. What scrumptious brownies Maria! I bet they are very addicting! XO

  12. Consider this recipe book marked!

  13. No more persuading needed - they sound divine!

  14. Oh those look divine, and the perfect combination of flavours!

  15. Oh those look divne, and the perfect flavour combination!

  16. These are luscious! I love the flavor combo here.

    I was in Surrey last September - what a beautiful place it is!

  17. I'm loving the cherries and walnuts in this wonderful brownie!


"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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