Thursday 15 July 2010

Salmon, Peas and Crème Fraîche Pasta

This evening I rustled up this speedy but very tasty special recipe for Salmon, Peas & Crème Fraîche Pasta from Tana’s Kitchen Secrets. I adapted it to my healthy eating and taste, omitting the dill (not a fan of dill) which is used in the original recipe and adding basil instead. I also added some petit pois for nutrition’s sake and because they are one of my favourite veggies and I simply love them. I really enjoyed this pasta dish with all the wonderful combination of flavours and textures. Perfect comfort food for wifey’s who are missing their hubby’s.

Salmon, Peas & Crème Fraîche Pasta

Serves 1 (lonely wifey that is missing her hubby)

1 x 140g salmon fillets (I used smoked salmon fillet)
Salt flakes and black pepper
100g spaghetti, preferably fresh (I used fresh pasta)
handful of frozen peas
handful of basil, chopped
Finely grated zest of ⅓ unwaxed lemon
2 tsp lemon juice
1-2 tbsp half-fat crème fraîche

Preheat the oven to 190oC/375oF/gas mark 5.

Place the salmon fillet in an ovenproof dish and season. Roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil over a high heat and add the peas with the pasta and cook the pasta according to the packet instructions. Drain, return to the pan.

Meanwhile, flake the salmon into a bowl and toss in the basil and lemon zest. Add to the pasta and gently mix through with the lemon juice and crème fraîche, taking care to keep the fish in large flakes. Season well and serve immediately.


  1. Your pasta dishes are so tempting and they are easy to prepare. I love the serving plate.

  2. I have to come and visit you - all these pasta dishes are making my tummy talk!

  3. Yes please - esp liking the smoked salmon

  4. Thanks for all your lovely recipes lately, everything looks so tasty!! xx

  5. such a tasty combination!

  6. Pasta must be the number one comfort food! This looks great!

  7. Yum that looks really delicious. A great book from Tana Ramsay - hope you are enjoying making all of her recipes Maria.

  8. YUM! What a heavenly combination. I can easily picture this gracing my dinner table :)

  9. Wow - nutritious, healthy and tasty all in one. Going to give this a go!

  10. Delicious way to use salmon, I love pasta in any shape or form!

  11. Just came by your blog whilst looking for Lemon drizzle cake for brunch today and have had a nosey through your posts, Brilliant blogging! I've now added myself as a follower as Im currently writing a cookbook for my girls have a nosey at my blog if you get time between food prep!

  12. Have just stumbled across your site and want to make pretty much everything from your last few posts! I'm following Weight Watchers myself at the moment and always on the lookout for new ideas. Thanks so much for sharing - I'm looking forward to going back through the archives and finding some more gems!

  13. Thank you. I'll be making this tonight. Hopefully my 5 year old will love it too! x

  14. Searched salmon and creme fraiche pasta and found this. Didn't have any peas so used broccoli instead. Was really yummy, thank you!!

  15. Had some left over creme fraiches and was looking for a recipe and found your blog. Why don't you bring this by my foodie friday today.

  16. I tried this recipe at the weekend and it was delicious!! The only thing i added was a bit of garlic as i love lemon and garlic together.

    Great recipe - thanks!

    Lou x

  17. This sounds lovely! Got the father in law coming over tonight and he is a proper foodie! Going to give it a go and see if it gets me any brownie points! Will let you know how I get on... X

  18. Tried this recipe this evening and really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting!

  19. Really Yummy and a perfect dish for a busy working Mum.
    I made it with fresh Penne and added fresh dill will try it with basil next time, thanks for the inspiration.

  20. My wife is the real cook in our family but I do the cooking on Saturdays. This recipe has now become a family favourite with my kids always asking for it, they are 9 and 7. I am usually useless in the kitchen but I find your recipes easy to follow and definitely help me impress my family!


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