Thursday 19 August 2010

Chicken Tagine

Our weekend at the family country lodge was really lovely and it was great catching up with everyone. The cakes I made, which I promise I will be blogging about in the next few days, were a hit, loved and devoured by all. During 3 days of over indulging my healthy eating certainly went out the window but it was totally worth it. Before I end up pilling back on all the pounds that I have managed to lose recently, I thought I better get back to my healthy eating. Although that is quite difficult to do after a long weekend of indulgence and will admit that I have not done well this week so far.

So after spotting this recipe in my “Good to Know Recipes” magazine I had to make it and use it as my motivation to get back on track. This meal reminded me I can still enjoy tasty and satisfying food while it remains heathly for me.

This chicken tagine recipe was very quick and simple to make, only 340cal per portion, absolutely delicious and bursting with flavour. You would never have guessed this was such a low calorie dish. It is definitely one I urge you to try.

Chicken Tagine

Serves 4

For the tagine:
1 tsp olive oil
1 small onion, peeled and sliced
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp fresh ginger, finely grated
1 tbsp tomato purée
1 tsp Moroccan spice mix (or use ½ tsp cumin, ½ tsp coriander and ⅛ turmeric)
200g tin chopped tomatoes
210g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 tbsp granular Canderel (artificial sweetner)
300g chicken breast, diced
Salt and pepper

For the couscous:
125g couscous
200ml hot chicken or vegetable stock
Juice and zest ½ lemon
Handful freshly chopped coriander (I used fresh parsley)

Heat the oil and cook the onion for about 3 mins until starting to soften. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for a further 2 mins. Stir in the tomato purée and spice mix and cook for 1 min, stirring often until everything is well coated.

Pour in the tomatoes, chickpeas, Canderel and season. Bring to the boil, then add the chicken and leave to simmer for 10-15 mins until the chicken is cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

Meanwhile, tip the couscous into a large bowl. Pour over the hot stock, cover the bowl with clingfilm and then leave for 10 mins. Squeeze over the lemon juice, add the lemon zest and coriander and mix in, fluffing up with a fork. Serve immediately with the chicken tagine.


  1. I am craving healthy low fat meals at the moment - this will be a must make!

  2. That looks delish! I must give this a go!!

    Katie xox

  3. looks tasty! ive been on a chickpea thing lately and this looks like a must try! looking forward to seeing your next posts!

  4. Sounds like just what I need .. Thanks!

  5. Great low fat recipe Maria and just shows that you can still eat great meals whilst trying to shed a few pounds!

  6. I have a tagine but am yet to use it - I just look at it and admire the pointy lid. This has inspired me to use it!

  7. This one I'll will keep. It's healthy and good. But I'll have it with pasta.

  8. Looks so scrummy Maria. I will give this a whirl xx

  9. Oh my gosh...tell me about's so hard to reverse back to healthy eating when indulging a bit! We can both do it though okay?! :D

    Love this dish; definitely will be gracing my table with your dish (particularly due to the great calorie number). Glad you enjoyed your break, can't wait to see them cakes

  10. I love chickpeas in anything, looks good!

  11. I've had this recipe bookmarked for a while and finally made it tonight - think it'll be added to the weekly meals - absolutely yum!


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