Monday 11 April 2011


I hope everyone had a great weekend and made the most of the weather. We had a lovely time on Sunday when our son came over and of course we love spending time with our grandson Ollie, whose now nearly 6 months. He is such a happy baby, always smiling and making cute baby gurgles and giggles. His mum and I took him into town and I did my nannie duties and spoiled him with some gorgeous summer clothes! Below are some pics I took of him yesterday, isn't he so cuddly? OK I had better stop cos I could go on about him all day! Today I made these flapjacks from one of my new cookbooks that I had not used until now, Baking Made Easy by Lorraine Pascale. I haven't baked flapjacks for such a long time and the addition of lemon zest and ginger gave these a different angle. They turned out to be just as I'd hoped, typically chewy but with a refreshing burst of flavour! Next on my list to bake from this cookbook will be the Cookies and Cream Fudge Brownies, how amazing do they sound??


Makes 12
175g butter
175g golden syrup
175g muscovado sugar
350g porridge oats
finely grated zest of ½ lemon
pinch of ground ginger

Preheat the oven to 150oC/fan oven 130oC/Gas mark 2. Line a 20cm/8in square baking tin with baking paper.

Melt the butter in a medium pan over a low heat. Dip a brush in the butter and brush the baking tin with a little bit of it. Add the golden syrup and sugar to the butter and heat gently. Once the sugar is dissolved and the butter is melted remove the pan from the heat and stir in the porridge oats, lemon zest and ginger.

Pack the mixture into the baking tin and squash down. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Once cooked, remove from the oven, leave to cool for 15 minutes, then turn out on to a chopping board and cut into squares.


  1. The little one is oh so adorable...These bars look wonderful and sound so very healthy also.

  2. I love Lorraines book and have baked loads of yummy things from it. I have made these Flapjacks every weekend so far this year, other half can't get enough of them.

  3. I just got her book, haven't had a good look through it yet. Love love love flapjacks! Ollie is so cute!

  4. Love your grand son pictures! he is awesome and big! lovely pics! and love Flapjacks look delicious! gloria

  5. How cute is your wee Grandson!!! Lovely flapjacks too ;0)

  6. Lovely looking flapjacks...and grandson!

  7. I think I'll have to put these on next weeks to-bake list, they sound great and the brownies sound amazing, I can't wait. x

  8. Hi Maria, it's been such a long time that we communicated that I can't believe that now you have a grand child! He is so adorable. I communicated with you some time after our fried Jules passed away but never got an answer from you.
    The flapjacks sound delicious. I don't have golden syrup. Can I substitute it with honey?

  9. Hi Ivy

    It has been a long time and I am sorry for not getting in touch sooner. To be honest in the last year I haven't blogged as much as I used to and life has just been busy. On the 19th May it will be a year since Jules passed away. I am thinking of doing something on my blog in her memory. I still can't believe she's gone :(

    Yes you can use honey instead :)


  10. Little Ollie is looking so cute and growing up fast!

    The flapjacks look tasty, I really like the sound of the lemon and ginger in there, a nice twist!

  11. Awww, such a cutie - I bet you had a wonderful time buying the baby clothes.
    Loving the flapjacks, I could murder some right now!

  12. What a beautiful baby boy! He has lovely large brown eyes. I'm not surprise you are crazy about him. I have never tried flapjacks - we used to have crunchies in S. Africa, but I would like to try these.

  13. Your grandson is adorable! Here flapjacks are pancakes. These look delicious - would love to try them!

  14. Bless him! Ollie is adorable!
    I've got Lorraine's book, but not even noticed the flapjack recipe...I'll go back for a good look

  15. Thanks everyone for the lovely comments :)


  16. Hello there.

    I am interesting in making these Flapjacks, however, I have been doing a little research (Foodie Investigation, the best kind!!), and I'm a little worried about the sugar content in these. Are they very sweet?? It's only that other Flapjack recipes use a lot less sugar, probably because of the golden syrup.

    Many Thanks

    Nathalie X

  17. Hi Nathalie

    I can't remember if they were very sweet or not now, I baked these nearly a year ago. If you are worried about the sugar content, then I would suggest maybe halving the amount of sugar.



"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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