Thursday 26 May 2011

Butternut Squash and Chorizo Linguine

A few weeks backs I decided to try a protein diet and whilst it promised major weight loss, and I did lose some weight, it wasn't the weight loss program for me. Being a lover of pasta and most carbs, I found it tough not having them in my diet. Not to mention missing the odd glass of wine or vodka & tonic during the week. So I've gone back to Weight Watchers which I know works for me as long as I stick with it. Sticking with it is easier as I'm still able to enjoy the food I love in moderation.

Pasta recipes whether in magazines or cookbooks always seem to catch my eye and this Butternut Squash and Chorizo Linguine certainly done just that. The bonus being it is a low fat recipe, even with the Chorizo, and easy to work out the ProPoints value. The sweet nutty taste of the roasted butternut squash and spicy chorizo combined wonderfully with my home-grown sage. This was a satisfying weeknight meal that didn't take much effort and one I will make again.

Butternut Squash and Chorizo Linguine

Serves 4

half a large butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cut into small cubes
100g piece chorizo, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
400g cherry tomatoes
large handful sage leaves, shredded
400g linguine or spaghetti
grated Parmesan, to serve

Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip the squash and chorizo onto a roasting tray, season, then toss in the oil. Roast for 20 mins, adding the tomatoes and two-thirds of the sage for the final 5 mins.

Cook the linguine/spaghetti. Drain, then toss with roasted ingredients and juices from the tray. Serve sprinkled with remaining sage and grated Parmesan.


  1. I love butternut squash MarĂ­a look delicious! gloria

  2. This sounds like a lovely midweek supper dish - what would Weight Watchers the world over do without butternut squash? Will definitely be giving this a go.


  3. Maria, I'm the same! Just can't stick to a low-carb diet!
    How many ww points in this dish per serving? It looks really good!

  4. Anna, it's 14 propoints, seems a lot with the new plan but definitely worth it!


  5. I love this combo with the sweet squash and spicy sausage! So good Maria!

  6. I am making this as soon as possible!! It looks incredible! Not only do the colours look good, I just know that the ingredients would taste really fantastic too. Thanks so much!

  7. yumm with chorizo i can imagine how delicous the pasta would have tasted.

  8. Oooh yum! Looks lovely, I'm always looking for quick and easy midweek meals as I get bored of making the same thing all the time. Definitely going to try this one!

  9. I know where you are coming from. I'm very likely one of the biggest carb monsters around and low carb is just not doing anything for me. Everything in moderation is best. I cut my portions down to 1/3 of what I used to eat in late November, and by late January I had lost 7 kg! But then I got pregnant and well.. put it all back on and more.

    Looks delish!

  10. I've tried low carb diets before with some success, but really, I'm too much of a carb monster to make them stick. Pasta is my biggest weakness, and this looks beautiful!

  11. Mmm I love Chorizo and butternut squash. Perfect combo! x

  12. Pumpkin, chorizo and pasta - 3 of my favourite things! Yum!

  13. Oh this looks wonderful. This is going on our menu for next week - thanks.

  14. yumscrum - this is a great idea! xxx

  15. I've tried this recipe and the combination of ingredients made it really delicious.Thanks Maria! Claire


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