Tuesday 3 February 2009

Mincemeat and Raisin Muffins

After Christmas I always seem to have a jar or two of my home-made mincemeat left over. Now what better time would there be to bring the aroma of Christmas back into the house, then when outside is a snowy winter scene. I came across this fabulous recipe on Angela’s blog, A Spoonful of Sugar, a blog well worth a visit! I knew I was onto a winner with these muffins as Angela’s blog never fails to inspire. There was one person who was very excited when I was making the muffins and while they were baking, yes that person was my hubby who has to work from home again today as a result of the lack of transport into the city, due to the weather. I’m not complaining, I love having him home and he loves not having to wait till he gets home from work to sample any baked goodies. OK back to the muffins, these are everything I expected, moist, full of flavour and in hubby’s words, gorgeous and addictive!! If you have any leftover mincemeat then I urge you to make these. Below are some pics of last night. I eventually ventured outside with hubby into the snow and wish I had done so sooner. The snow in our garden was deep and it really was a winter wonderland!

Mincemeat and Raisin Muffins

Makes 11-12 standard size

10oz (280g) plain flour
2 teaspoons (10ml) baking powder
1/2 teaspoon (2.5ml) bicarbonate of soda
1/2 teaspoon (2.5ml) salt
3oz (85g) golden caster sugar
1 egg
8fl oz (240ml) milk
12oz (350g) ready-made mincemeat
3fl oz (90ml) vegetable oil or 3oz (85g) butter, melted
3oz (85g) raisins or sultanas
Icing sugar for dusting the tops, optional

Prepare muffin tins (either grease or line with paper cases). Preheat oven to 190-200C or Gas Mark 5-6.
In a large bowl, sift together: flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, salt and sugar.
In a separate bowl, beat egg with a fork. Stir in milk, mincemeat and oil/melted butter.
Pour all of liquid ingredients into dry mixture. Stir until just combined, adding the raisins or sultanas in the final few strokes. The batter will be lumpy but no dry flour will be visible. Do not overstir.
Fill muffin cups three-quarters full. Bake for 20-25 minutes until tops are lightly browned and spring back when pressed gently. Allow muffins to cool for several minutes to make removal easier. Sieve icing sugar over the top.


  1. Looks like there has been full snow there.
    Cupcakes look so good and still you have the feelof christmas with the mincemeat.

  2. Hubby and I are stuck at home today. Meant to be working but I think I'll make these with Lowen

  3. They look delicious Maria, I happen to have a couple of jars of mincemeat leftover..perfect excuse to make these! :)

  4. It does seem like Christmas 2 Maria with all the snow around and those muffins are just perfect for using up mincemeat!

    Rosie x

  5. They look fantastic, Maria!! The pictures are so pretty! It looks like that at my house too!!

  6. I miss baking as I'm trying to loose some weight. Your muffins sound fantastic.

  7. My dad would love these muffins!!

  8. They look delicious, I do have mincemeat leftover so will be a good way of using it up! :)

  9. YUMMY!!! thankyou for the recipe, great way to use up mincemeat and finally a treat the whole family likes!!!


"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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