Thursday 7 February 2008

Cranberry and White Chocolate Flapjacks

My boys are addicted to these flapjacks, they are quick to prepare and once baked you have an oaty, fruity, chewy and delish bar. Not to forget the added bonus of the white chocolate, perfect combination with cranberries. These are great to add to pack lunches, for morning's when your rushing out the door, or to accompany a cuppa. I have made these so many times and they fly out of the tin, but they do store well.

At the bottom of this post I have added the link to the recipe if anyone would like to re-create these highly addictive but healthy bars of deliciousness ;o)


  1. Hi Maria, Oooooh these DO look delicious sweetie! I really could just pick one off the screen and eat it right now *giggle* Another wonderful bake from "The Goddess's Kitchen" :D

    Rosie x

  2. Thanks Rosie. These are really delicious and you must make them ;o)


  3. wow marie your flapjacks look so delicious, they look really moist and the white chocolate on top is a really lovely touch! I could so eat one right now! Flapjack is such a great filling snack i love them!

  4. Hi Mrs B and C&TC

    Thanks to both of you for the lovely comments on my flapjacks and for dropping by. I definitely can recommend these addictive babies ;o)

    The recipe link is in the post.


  5. I totally agree with Rosie..Really feel like pick one off the screen...loved your other posts too Maria..You do amazing baking!!

  6. I'm not surprised your boys are addicted to them - given the chance, I'm sure I would be, too. They look superb!

  7. Hi sugarcraft india and how lovely to see you here, thanks for the lovely comments.

    Hi aforkfulofspaghetti (love the name, hehehe) thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. My boys are just addicted to home-made baking full stop ;o)


  8. Loved the presentation of cranberry and white chocolate flapjacks. A nice blog, you have got. Am impressed and can learn a lot. Cheers to you from Botswana !

  9. These do look wonderful Maria and I'm thrilled to try them out for myself! Great photos too. :)


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