Wednesday 6 February 2008

Old-Fashioned Fragrant Banana Bread

Who doesn't start their baking career with a banana bread recipe? It is a recipe most of us begin with and always return back to, especially when there are bananas going ripe in the fruit bowl. There are so many different banana bread recipes and I like to try different kinds, but the recipes I love the best are those with choc chips and walnuts. It is the perfect marriage, banana, chocolate and walnuts, can't get better than that. This Banana Bread I have made today is a wonderful example of all those flavours together.

This morning I had the challenge of finding a recipe with 2 eggs in the ingredients list, (only had 2 eggs left in the fridge). I came across this recipe in my latest new book, A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman and thought Bingo!! The recipe itself is very simple, easy and takes no time at all to prepare and into the oven to bake. I have a feeling this won't last long, it's so moist and fluffy, and the flavours, well need I say more!


  1. Hi Maria, this is one amazing banana bread and what a challenge you had with two eggs! Its really lovely to view your bakes from your new book, keep them rolling in can't wait for the next creation!

    Rosie x

  2. Hi Rosie

    Thanks for the lovely compliments and dropping by. Well considering i had only 2 eggs to work with, I ended up with a lovely bake which is being enjoyed a lot by hubby ;o)


  3. Hi Maria!

    your bread is lovely! I could almost picture the aroma and warmth from it!
    I love bananas too!

    Thanks for tagging me! :D


  4. Hi Sandy

    Great to see you here and thanks for leaving a lovely comment.



"Butter VS. Margarine? I trust cows over scientists"

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