I’ve received many wonderful blog awards from friends and followers since I began blogging and it’s always such a great feeling. This is why I decided to start my own award and pass it on. When I started blogging I didn’t realize how many friends I’d make and how much fun I would have along the way. I visit many adorable and cute blogs that are filled with bright colours, innovative and inspiring pictures and best of all absolutely delicious food, which inspire me daily! I would like to thank all of you who visit my blog and leave such encouraging comments. Passing on this award is my thanks to you and your friendship. Please pass the award on, you will find the rules below.
I’m passing this award on to:
Beth @ Jam and Clotted Cream
Maria @ Two Peas and their Pod
Happy Cook @ My Kitchen Treasures
Rosie @ Baking Cakes Galore
Reeni @ Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice
Erica @ Oh My! Apple Pie!
Anne @ Anne's Kitchen
Dani @ Sweet Treats
Angela @ A Spoonful of Sugar
Natalia @ Gatti Fili e Farina
Antonia @ Food Glorious Food
Margaret @ Kitchen Delights
Ivy @ Kopiaste..to Greek Hospitality
Nic @ Cherrapeno
Kelly @ Cooking the Books
Heather @ Sherry Trifle and Cats
Airy Fairy @ Airy Fairy Cupcakes
If there is anyone I have missed, I apologise and please except this award and pass it on!
Include the award logo in your blog or post.
Nominate as many blogs which show adorability, cuteness and charm.
Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Wow it is a adorable award and you are so adorable too for passing it to me too. Thankyou.
Wow maria you are adorable !! Thank you so much it's an honour !!
Oh Maria I am absolutely touched by this award and thank you for thinking of me. We have been friends for many years now and I value our friendship deeply and yes you are adorable too!!
Hugs Rosie x
How lovely to start your own award.
I accept the award graciously and thank you for thinking of me Maria!
thank u so much maria! u have no idea how much this means :)
Thank you Maria for thinking of me, love the logo its very cute! x
hi maria, thank you so much...what a lovely award :)
What a lovely award Maria x
Thanks for the award!! You are adorable:)
Thank-you Maria. Made my day!!!
How sweet of you! I love it! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much Maria!
Thank you Maria. This is so nice of you. I love it!
Oh Maria, I am greatly honoured to get an award from you. Thanks so much, it means a lot to me.
Oh thank you so much Maria! I'll pass it on soon.
Thank you so much for this lovely award and for thinking of me. I'm very touched!
Thank-you so much, Maria! I'm really touched that you thought of me and my blog.
Thank you Maria xx
What a neat idea - cute logo
i really love your profile of your blog, it's really girl-friendly..
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