125g of unsalted butter
100g of dark chocolate
300g of good quality orange marmalade
150g of sugar
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs
150g of self-rising flour
Melt the butter slowly in a heavy-bottom saucepan. When it's almost melted, add chocolate pieces, stir and take off the heat. Stir with a wooden spoon, until chocolate has melted. Add the marmalade, sugar, salt and eggs. Stir thoroughly (it's okay to leave small visible chunks of marmalade in the batter). Add sifted flour, stir and pour into a buttered and floured 20-22 cm loose bottomed cake tin or 2lb loaf tin. Bake at 180˚C/350.F/Gas 4 oven for 45-50 minutes, until the cake has set (test with a knife or wooden stick). Leave to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes and transfer to a cooling rack. Once cooled dust with a layer of icing sugar.
Six Word Memoir
My sweet friend Rosie from Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake has tagged me for a 6 word memoir. So here goes:
I am going to be a rebel and tag 6 people (as it seems fitting with it being a 6 word memoir tag) and will be choosing the following:
Mrs B from Mrs B Baking
Gigi from Gigi's Cakes
Ruth from Ruth's Kitchen Experiments
Pixie from You say Tomato I say Tomato
Jules from Domestic Goddess in Training
Emiline from Sugar Plum
1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five or six (choice is yours) more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
Looks lovely Maria. I could just eat a slice.
oooh, i may attempt this with my 'runny'(lol) homemade marmalade - hopefully it will work
ta for the tag sweetie- will hopefully, get around to it over the weekend
Thanks George, wish I could pass you a slice ;o)
Hey Pixie
You must try this cake, you can't go wrong and it will be perfect and even more special with your home-made marmalade ;o)
Looks lovely Maria. Tastes even better. A real keeper this one
Chocolate and orange is such a great combination! What a fantastic cake to showcase those flavors. When I put up a new post I'll be sure to include the "6 word memoir".
The cake looks delicious. Of course! I love Nigella. I don't have any cookbooks and I don't know why.
This sounds like fun. I'm going to think about it.
Hi Maria, I had to come on early to view this delicious cake!! It does look so tempting - drool :P
I saw this on Granny's blog and it is a MUST bake!!
Thanks for doing the meme and great to read :)
Rosie x
Chocolate and orange is a perfect combination for me too. Great cake!
Thanks for the tag, just posted mine
Thank you ladies and I highly recommend this simple but beautiful tasting cake. My motherly instincts were right and my son loves it ;o)
How could I say no to that?
Ruth you couldn't! My son really loved this cake and has been having it for brekkie, snacking and late night snacking. So I think this is a winner ;o)
Hi Maria,
thank for the tag, I will have a think and then post it on Monday! Have a lovely weekend!
hello i'm April just come across today on ur bog form airy fairy's, i am from Cebu in the Philippines, i just couldn't stop reading ur entries i do so enjoy cooking too...keep up the good work...!
my husband is from the UK and he is coming home in here for Xmas, also our first wedding anniversary on the 7th Dec, i would like to surprise him.would just like to know can i use cake flour for this? if so what is the ratio? ur reply is very much appreciated, thank u in advance.:)
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